What is Digital Marketing? Beginners guide

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What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is nothing but promoting your products and services through the internet. Every day the number of searchers on the internet is increasing frequently.

There are many ways to promote business online such as Facebook adsInstagram adsYouTube ads, and so on.

But Facebook ads are the biggest revenue source of Digital Marketing or any other business.

When you are investing on Facebook to promote your business, that time the return is guaranteed.

Investment is the Heart of the Body!!.  

The best digital marketers have a clear vision of how each digital marketing strategy supports their business goals and based on their marketing strategies, marketers can lead a large campaign through paid and also free channels at their disposal.

Covid effect on digital marketing:

covid vs dm

During this ferocious Covid-19 pandemic, every small job doer became jobless. But the people having a business are relying on digital marketing and it is growing now more than ever.

Global data announced the growth of the Indian e-commerce market is bumping to Rs.7 trillion by 2023 because of the lockdowns.

During this pandemic, with every consumer locked in their homes, all traditional marketing efforts are out of the question.

Business people who do not have a social media page will now have to speed up their digital transformation and devise a digital strategy to communicate with their audience.

Thus, the DM scope in the future will not only thrive but also let businesses survive in the market.

Why you should be in a lane of Digital Marketing?

digital marketing lane

Before I tackle the most effective digital marketing channels for your business, let me demystify Digital Marketing a bit and share its benefits. 

  1. Digital Marketing is intelligible
  2. Constant online presence
  3. It is cost effective
  4. It builds trust between you and your customer
  5. Provides instant and highly measurable results
  6. It allows you to interact with the newbies and the professionals.
  7. Allows you to make changes as you want.
  8. It delivers an excellent return on investment (ROI)
  9. Allows you to target your ideal buyers.
  10. Helps you to engage with Mobile Customers.

5 most effective digital marketing channels:

digital marketing
  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. E-mail Marketing
  3. Content Marketing
  4. Video Marketing
  5. SEO & PPC

Difference Between Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing

Traditional vs Digital Marketing
1Ads Duration is LimitedLong Duration
2Charges Extra for Up-gradation of AdsNo charges
3Results are not guaranteed.Results are guaranteed.
4You have to look for customersThe customer looks for you and for your products
5Reaches for limited AudiencesReach out for Maximum People
6Communication Delay ExistsCommunication plays Major Role
7Getting Reviews is DifficultEasy to get Reviews
8 Convincing is Bit difficultConvincing is Easy
9Tracking customers or Product is DifficultTracking is Easy
10Return on Investment is low and May vary sometimesReturn on Investment is High


Digital Marketing can never be late for you. It’s upon you how and when you step towards exploring yourself in digital learning. This is something which is growing simultaneously with business people. So, why delay come and join today your free digital marketing course.

You can build up your skills vertically in one of the specific fields (as a specialist) or you can build your skills horizontally (as a manager/generalist) or you can become a generalist with specialization in one field too. It’s your choice!

This training teaches not only the theory but also provides the requisite hands-on experience as well so that you understand the concepts thoroughly apart from providing online forums for doubt solving.

Click here to access our free Marketing Tools.

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