Off-Page SEO: Top 10 Trends To Rank Your Website in 2022

Off-page SEO 2022

In the span of a few years, SEO trends have changed dramatically. The algorithms are constantly evolving due to innovation in emerging technologies.

It’s time to start thinking about what SEO trends you want to be ahead of to start 2022. Digital marketing professionals, marketing agencies, and businesses alike will need to be prepared for this year, arguably more so than ever before.

Lucky for you, we have compiled some of the most important Off-Page SEO techniques and strategies to help you prepare for what is coming!

As smart bloggers and content marketers, we usually start with On-page SEO.

But we don’t stop there. Because, to a large extent, the things that matter to Google often happen away from your website.

In this guide, we are going to dive deep into the ins and outs of off-page SEO and help you get a better idea of what it is, why it is so vital to online marketing, and the activities involved in it.

Table of Contents

What is Off Page SEO?

SEO can be difficult and scary to understand; it can get so confusing with on-page SEO with off-page and everything else in between.

When you are starting out, you often have no idea what will get you the maximum ranking and others with more knowledge get the highest spot easily by applying various strategies.

This is why you must learn these strategies as well as apply them to your blog or website. Off-Page SEO sounds more intimidating than it actually is and plays a large part in any SEO audit.

Off page seo 2

In general, off-page SEO or off-site SEO means actions taken outside your website to make it rank better on search engine pages. It is a way to make people find you easier by making changes that can get you higher rankings.

Optimizing your site for off-page SEO means you’ll have to improve the way that both users and search engines see your site in terms of credibility, authority, popularity and relevance..

Technical (vs) On-Page (vs) Off-Page SEO: What's the difference?

Among the ranking factors used to evaluate websites, the most commonly mentioned terms are on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and technical SEO. Let’s break down each one of these three factors:

  • On-page SEO refers to the SEO strategies used directly on the website. Optimized site content helps search engine robots that scan websites 24/7 to understand how helpful the content of your website is for users and compare it to competing websites. Text content, photos, meta tags, links — all of these fall under this category.
  • Off-page SEO covers all the SEO activities that take place outside of the confines of the website. Link building is the king of off-page SEO, plus there are many other things you can do off the website to get it to rank higher, such as good old PR, social media marketing, etc.
  • Technical SEO aims at improving the crawling and indexing of the site by Google algorithms. It includes improving the speed, structure, URL canonicalization, and more.
On-Page SEOOff-Page SEOTechnical SEO
ContentLink BuildingSite speed
Meta tagsContent MarketingWell-structured data
Heading optimizationSMMXML Sitemaps
Internal linkingBlog postingCanonicalization
Image optimizationCustomer reviewsHreflang tags
& more& more& more
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Off-Page SEO Checklist

So, what is the most important part of off-page SEO? Let’s have a look at the off-page SEO checklist and figure out how to best incorporate them into your marketing plan.

There are several key off-page SEO tactics that can be used to dramatically boost a website’s ranking.

10 'Must Follow' Off-page SEO Techniques For 2022

It’s clear, if you want to improve your rankings in search results, you can’t ignore off-page SEO. To improve your off-page SEO, here are the factors that you should focus on:

Off page seo factors

1. Link Building

Link building should be the backbone of any off-page SEO strategy, given the weight of links in Google’s algorithm, but it is important to understand how you should approach link building as an off-page tactic.

To find quality backlinks, you need to invest some time into finding high-domain authority blogs. Ideally, you should look for websites in the same niche as yours.

Link Building

Get the backlinks to your page.


Email Outreach…

You need to send personalized emails to each of those blog editors to let them know about your amazing content.

Here’s an email script for you:

Hi (NAME),

I came across your article here (URL) and found it to be insightful and well done.

I’m reaching out to you today because we wrote a few articles on (CATEGORY 1) and (CATEGORY 2) such as (TOPIC 1, TOPIC 2 and TOPIC 3)

We love to support business owners with valuable information and I think your users would find our articles to be educational. We would really appreciate it if you could link to one of our articles above.

In exchange and as a thank you for linking to one of our articles, we would be happy to offer you a guest post on our blog or a non-reciprocal backlink.

Please let me know if that’s something you would like or if you have any question!

Thanks & Regards,

(Your Name)

Do personal email outreach campaigns really work?

In short: YES!

2. Press Release

Press Release is a method where you submit your article on different online channels so that your website gets a Press Release. It is an off-page SEO strategy that helps in popularizing the article on the web to improve SEO of the site.


By implementing a Press Release your website gets potential customers and investors. Your website gets backlinks that are of high authority. On various media, you need to submit your article.

Whenever users Google your website and find your website in search engines it builds trust between the user and you. Instant result is achieved when you make an effective backlinking strategy.

Paid and Free press release websites
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3. Google My Business

Any actions focused on optimizing your webpage to get it to rank higher on the Google Map Pack are regarded as off-page SEO. An account in GMB is a powerful tool essential to boosting the digital presence of local startups and businesses. 

Reports say 4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information. If your business is not showing up at the top of the local GMB results, this spot will be taken by your rivals.

gmb for seo

4. Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is an off-page SEO strategy that is used to acquire backlinks & gain popularity. In this strategy, an author/blogger contributes articles to a different blog in exchange for a link to his own blog, website, or social media.

It also helps your website to generate more traffic by giving your website more exposure to many different users, and can boost your social media presence.

To write a Guest Blog, there are many formats available on the internet, but to make it easy for your reference, here’s the format.

 Email Templates to Get Your Guest Post Request Accepted, Click here.

Send an email to the people’s related to your niche with that format above mentioned.

Out of 100 emails sent per day, you may get 2 to 3 responses back and ask you to be a guest blogger and you get backlinks easily.

If you send everyday mass emails to people continuously for few days to months, then gradually you will get few backlinks. So, be with patience and don’t give up!!!

The quality of backlinks you get, the higher the chances to get top in Google.

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5. Create Visuals That Other Blogs Can Use

Visual content is an amazing way to get other blogs to mention your site… without needing to rely 100% on blogger outreach.

For example, in this article I’ve used the graphic which was designed by our team. 


As you can see, nothing fancy. But it’s a helpful visual for people that aren’t familiar with how Google figures out a topic of a page.

Which led to people using that visual in their post (and linking to our site as the original source).

In my experience, most people that use your image in their content will link to you.

Even if they don’t, you still get an unlinked brand mention out of the deal.

Which can still help your off-page SEO a little.

6. Anchor text

Anchor Text is a keyword that is a clickable hyperlink with an underline. It is always in a blue font such as .  By giving an Anchor text, it provides relevant information to the user and also to the search engines.

Google states in their original PageRank patent that:

Google employs a number of techniques to improve search quality including page rank, anchor text, and proximity information. 
link schemes anchor

 If you did have control over the anchor text of external inbound links, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Penguin—which is now part of Google’s core algorithm—penalizes sites that attempt to manipulate rankings by building links with keyword-rich anchors.

Luckily, most people naturally link in natural and relevant ways. If your article is about x, then the chances of someone linking with anchor text related to x is quite high.

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7. Social Media Marketing

Social  media  marketing could not be missing from the most effective techniques of Off-page SEO . Without a doubt, Social Media Marketing is the fastest way to spread the word about a new product or service. Social media is a huge trend and has a great influence on most internet users.

Social Media Marketing 1

For this reason, if you want your page to have more traffic and therefore a better position in search engine results, try to be as active as possible, especially on Meta or Instagram, which are the popular platforms. 

Create an organized corporate profile, following those who dominate professionally in your field. Thus, you will get a large circle of followers that will be related to the content of your page.

8. Forum Posting

If you want to get more backlinks to your website,  forum  posting  is an equally good way to do that. Essentially, you are  participating in a communication platform and discussing issues with your domain with other users. 

Ask questions, give tips or directions, and generally share information and opinions with other users who are interested in learning new things about your field.


How can you benefit from forum posting? 

When replying to a question posed by another user or write your opinion on a topic always relevant to your field, let down your comment link to your website as a signature (signature link). This way you create backlinks and therefore increase the traffic of your own page.

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9. Brand Mentions

Google loves brands and prefers to rank branded websites on top of the results. The reason is the same as explained above about Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. Brands are more reliable and likely to be trusted by users and this translates to a better user experience and happier Google users.

Increase Your Rankings by Building Brand Mentions

The difference between brand mentions, link building, and social media marketing is that brand mentions do not necessarily have a link pointing to your website. It can be mentions of your brand in forums, articles, reviews, or social media networks.

10. Quora

Quora is a platform to ask questions, get useful answers, and share what you know with the world.

That means you can use Quora to find advice, ideas, perspectives, explanations, and answers to things you’ve always wondered about.

quora marketing

To get more traffic to your website, you can give answers to those questions which is relevant to your blogs and give a link to them.

There is a high chance to get more traffic by doing as mentioned above.

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Off-page SEO is as important as on-page SEO. I personally don’t like Off-Page SEO, because it requires a lot of hard work, time and dedication.

But if we want our website to get more traffic and to rank on google, we have no other choice.

My advice for beginners is to concentrate first on creating a great website with awesome content and then start working on your off-page SEO to get links that can make a difference in your rankings.

Try each method separately and find out what’s working best for your website and do that consistently and soon enough you’ll see a positive effect on your rankings.


Off-page SEO refers to anything done outside of your website with the potential to affect search engine rankings. Optimizing your site for off-page SEO means you’ll have to improve the way that both users and search engines see your site in terms of creadibility, authority, popularity and relevance.

The biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of backlinks to your website. Some examples of ways you can build links to your website are:

  • Creating awesome content that people want to link to because it is valuable.
  • Social media shares of your content that ultimately generate links.
  • Outreach emails to influencers in your industry that ultimately link to you.
  • Guest blogging on sites related to yours. These guest posts will have links back to your site.

On-page SEO focuses on optimizing parts of your website that are within your control, while off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through content creation and earning backlinks from other websites.

  1. Create content that is shareable.
  2. The content must be worth sharing.
  3. Increase social media engagement.
  4. Access high PR question and answer websites.
  5. Submit creative infographics.

Off-page optimization is a necessary aspect to get your sites ranked because this is the only way Google or any other search engine for that matter gets an authority signal that your content is valuable to the readers. And once this starts picking up, the result is:

  • Online branding
  • Growth of reach
  • Increase in referral and social traffic
  • Increase in domain authority
  • Better search engine ranking
  1. Online branding
  2. Growth of reach
  3. Increase in domain authority
  4. Better search engine ranking
  5. Increase in referral and social traffic

These are the Top Off-page SEO activities:

  • Guest Post Submission
  • Blog Commenting
  • Newsletter
  • Article Submission
  • Image and Infographic Submission
  • Brand or site mention
  • Video Submission
  • Social Media Engagement
  • Outreach
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Question & answer Sites (Quora)
  • Press Release
  • Use Google My Business
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